Test Your CO Alarm With Detectgas
Domestic Carbon Monoxide Detector Test Kit
There are around 14 million CO Detectors installed in the UK.
- The Sensor in CO Detector lasts around 5 years.
- Potentially seven million alarms installed in the UK are over 5 years old.
The test button on a CO Detector does not test the sensor with carbon monoxide nor does it prove that contaminated air is reaching the sensor via the casing vents.
If the test button is pressed on a CO Detector with a faulty sensor and with a working battery and alarm bell it may appear to work but is not providing any protection against CO poisoning.
How To Use
In order for a CO alarm to activate the sensor must detect a given level (300ppm) of CO for up to 3 minutes to meet with European standards BSEN50291.
It is necessary to maintain the level of test gas at the sensor for up to three minutes.
The Detectagas test kit includes a patented surround and seal system which is placed around the detector to facilitate this test and delivers a safe level of test gas to the sensor.
Simply spraying a test gas at the detector will not provide a true test. The use of cigarettes or joss sticks is not quantitative nor legal in certain situations.
The award winning Detectagas test method is unique and subject to three patents and design registration.
The test typically takes 1-2 minutes to activate an alarm.
The Detectagas kit is self contained and does not require any additional equipment.